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Evolution and spatiotemporal analysis of earthquake public opinion based on social media data
Chenyu Wang, Yanjun Ye, Yingqiao Qiu, Chen Li, Meiqing Du
2024, 37(5): 387-406. DOI: 10.1016/j.eqs.2024.06.002
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Critical analysis of the ULF power depression as a possible Tohoku earthquake precursor
Vyacheslav A Pilipenko, Valery A Martines-Bedenko, Akimasa Yoshikawa, Kirolosse M Girgis
2024, 37(5): 407-414. DOI: 10.1016/j.eqs.2024.06.003
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Assessment of earthquake location uncertainties for the design of local seismic networks
Antonio Fuggi, Simone Re, Giorgio Tango, Sergio Del Gaudio, Alessandro Brovelli, Giorgio Cassiani
2024, 37(5): 415-433. DOI: 10.1016/j.eqs.2024.06.006
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Potential of the Arkhangelsk seismic network for European Arctic monitoring
Galina Antonovskaya, Yana Konechnaya, Ekaterina Morozova, Yana Mikhailova, Eugenia Shakhova
2024, 37(5): 434-444. DOI: 10.1016/j.eqs.2024.06.005
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A new calibration method for radon detector in seismic systems
Hongwei Ren, Yaowei Liu
2024, 37(5): 445-458. DOI: 10.1016/j.eqs.2024.06.001
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Science and reflections: With some thoughts to young applied scientists and engineers
Robert L Nowack
2024, 37(5): 459-493. DOI: 10.1016/j.eqs.2024.06.004
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Earthquakes and Sustainable Infrastructure–Neodeterministic (NDSHA) Approach Guarantees Prevention Rather Than Cure Edited by Giuliano F Panza, Vladimir G. Kossobokov, Efraim Laor, Benedetto De Vivo
Zengping Wen, Guoxin Wang
2024, 37(5): 494-497. DOI: 10.1016/j.eqs.2024.06.010
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